“The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don´t like to plan ahead – they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.”

That’s how La Cieca (as author of parterre.com) is analyzed at Typealizer. Your doyenne is deemed “The Performer” on the Myers-Briggs scale. Rather spookily accurate, don’t you think, cher public?

So, at the risk of exhausting herself, La Cieca also ran an analysis of Our Own JJ‘s style (specifically his current Gay City News review of La traviata) and it turns out that he is a “Scientist,” almost precisely the opposite of La Cieca.  According to Typealizer, JJ is the “long-range thinking and individualistic type… especially good at looking at almost anything and figuring out a way of improving it – often with a highly creative and imaginative touch… intellectually curious and daring.” Which comes as no surprise to your old saloon-singing pal La Cieca!
