George London and Leonie Rysanek lead a performance from 1960
Call for submissions: parterre box‘s new Talk of the Town
parterre box is launching a new themed regular feature curated by our readers and opera fans across the world! We are asking for your favorite clips, recordings, and anecdotes to get people chatting, listening, and thinking.
parterre box is launching a new themed regular feature curated by our readers and opera fans across the world! We are asking for your favorite clips, recordings, and anecdotes to get people chatting, listening, and thinking.
Patrick Mack looks back on “a great, nay, historic evening,” Renata Scotto‘s 1981 performance of Il trittico, now newly available on Met Opera on Demand.
Renée Fleming leads a performance recorded in New York in 2007
A live broadcast from New York
A live performance from New York
In 2011, Sondra Radvanovsky‘s Tosca proved promising; fourteen years later, it was absolutely magnificent, a completely satisfying musical and dramatic embodiment of a challenging role by an artist at the peak of her powers.
A live performance from New York
A live performance from New York
A live broadcast from New York
A performance recorded last fall in New York
I had been hopeful that 2024 would end, if not on a high note, then one that was at least in tune.
A live New Year’s Eve broadcast from New York
An archival performance from 1982 recorded in New York
A live broadcast from New York
A live broadcast from New York
While the Met’s Mozart-lite holiday production of The Magic Flute kept the eyes entertained with spectacular sets and costumes, the scattershot casting and lack of musical seriousness dragged down this opera for beginners.
A live broadcast from New York
A performance recorded earlier this season in New York
A live broadcast from New York
The Saturday Matinee Broadcast season starts with a performance from the Metropolitan Opera
A live broadcast from New York
A recent conversation with a friend who has loved Die Frau ohne Schatten for twice as long as I have been alive revealed that we both had some unresolved questions about the plot.
A live broadcast from New York
A live broadcast from New York
Wanna write for us? We’re accepting pitches.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
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