As La Cieca hardly thinks she needs tell you, among the attributes of a prima donna necessary to the success of a performance of Adriana Lecouvreur are morbidezza, il sacro fuoco, voce di petto and of course the ability to wear a turban. And surely you do realize that, sad to say, not everyone can pull off a turban. 

On the other hand, some people look right at home in a turban:

Which brings La Cieca to our competition. La Cieca challenges you to choose a current diva (operatic or otherwise) and then adorn her with a turban using online utility The Turbanizer. Email the resulting photo to your doyenne at

La Cieca will select the top five finalists and you, the cher public, will decide upon the most gloriously beturbaned femme of them all, and the winner will receive an gift certificate.

Here’s an example (created using the Turbanizer) to get you started:
