Tamerlano didn’t sound any too confident, but the answer to last week’s Regie quiz was indeed Das Liebesverbot, the early Wagner rarity recently revived at Glimmerglass in a staging by Nicholas Muni. (The photos are by Cory Weaver for Glimmerglass Opera.)  The very male Ryan MacPherson is heard and seen as Luzio in a scene from this production.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/I2e2-f9n7ls" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Now that we have that settled, here’s more eye-popping stagecraft. All you have to do is guess the opera. (Reminder: this is a guessing game. If you recognize the production, stay still while the others make fools of themselves.)
