The battle of the management-labor emails continues with Alan Gordon demanding Peter Gelb fire his driver.
Alan Gordon replies to a letter from Peter Gelb we haven’t seen yet. La Cieca has to wonder if the Wendy White thing is really going to turn out to be an effective negotiating tactic.
Alan Gordon, embedded journalist, reports from inside the first AGMA/Met negotiation session.
Alan Gordon has mass emailed AGAM again, and La Cieca’s got a copy of the missive.
“Union members have occupied Paris’ Opera Garnier in a protest over proposed changes to labor rules for theater workers.”
parterre box has obtained a memo sent to artists’ managers in which AGMA Executive Director Alan Gordon warns singers contracted to sing at the Met in the 2014-2105 season that due to unpromising developments in upcoming labor negotiations the company may be dark for part or all of the season.
AGMA’s Alan Gordon warns his membership of a possible lockout by the Met if contract negotiations break down this summer.