fatal-attractionDawn Fatale (pictured) shares with us a horoscope:

Today you might want to do some research into a subject that fascinates you. You could be swept up in enthusiasm. You may, for example, be developing an infatuation with a movie star or musical performer. Maybe you will join their fan club and look for articles about them on the Web.. Give yourself time to have fun and to find out more!

“As far as I can tell,” Dawn concludes,”this means I’m going to become a stalker.” 
While we’re waiting for the news of Dawn’s arrest just outside the home of Jonas Kaufmann, La Cieca thought it would be fun to hear from you, the cher public, a) tales of operatic stalking, or b) advice for the aspiring stalker. Nota bene: your doyenne expects for you to change the names of the guilty parties in the most outrageous and campy ways imaginable.
