Don’t go saying George Steel‘s opera company is broke, you hear? 

The New York City Opera’s instant-response team sprang into action early today, doing damage control on an article published 11 days ago on the Bloomberg News website. In the original screed, Zinta Lundborg poked fun at the NYCO’s teeny-weeny endowment, which she said was down to a measly $3 million. Not so, responds NYCO Director of Media Relations & Strategic Partnerships Pascal Nadon: the number should be more like $10 million.

Nadon’s response is on the website, which is by subscription, but La Cieca will take the liberty of quoting the relevant lines:

We wanted to clarify for your readers that the $3 million figure cited by Lundborg reflects the projected value of only one of the funds in City Opera’s endowment – the Wallace Fund – after court-permitted withdrawals over the coming months. Following these withdrawals, the total value of New York City Opera’s endowment will be approximately $10.6 million.
