The bitchiness of queens of long ago still echoes through Founders Hall at the Met. Among the expertly restored artist photographs, programs and media clippings featured in the exhibit “Nights at the Opera: 125 Years,” the clear standout for outrageousness is an original poster for the Old Met’s closing night gala, defaced (or, perhaps we should say, “adorned”) with graffiti commenting on the galaxy of stars who sang that night back in 1966. According to the vitriolic vandals, Franco Corelli was described as “stinky,” Justino Diaz was the “spawn of Satan,” and even in her debut year a certain beloved Spanish Catalan diva was already nicknamed “Monsterfat Cowbelly.” More epithets less suitable for reproduction on a nice family website like may be read directly from the poster, which is displayed near the coat check area downstairs in Founders Hall.
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