One of La Cieca’s intricate network of spies has been keeping his ear to the ground in San Francisco where a supernumerary friend whispered to him that “there was concern amongst the SFO backstage ranks that since La Gheorghiu had yet to show up for any La rondine rehearsals, that she may go the route of of her recent Lyric Opera contretemps and be dismissed as a no-show.”

Signor Spy assured his super friend that Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna “were merely enjoying a personal idyll in NYC … that once Mr. Alagna finished up with Pinkerton last Saturday, she (or both) would probably be winging to the West Coast to keep the SFO commitment.” He then passed along to La Cieca a report on the soprano’s “first rehearsal appearance.”

UPDATE: Well, now it seems our original spy has reconsidered the hearsay he shared earlier and asked that the “Super” quotes be removed. Fair enough, La Cieca thinks, since she’s not entirely clear on whether Super gave Spy carte blanche to share the “insights” in the first place.

La Cieca does not plan on making a habit of putting the toothpaste back in the tube, but this appears to be a special case. Okay with you, cher public?
