Which intendant-to-be is gaining a nasty reputation for nepotism, as in forcing his wife’s baton down the throat of opera companies afraid to incur his wrath? This kind of behavior ought to send up a red flag… or at least a yellow one.
Take my wife, please!
La Cieca
on May 20, 2005 at 1:51 PM
Topics: 192, blind item
Pick a little, talk a little
Following the successful launch of the new regular feature The Talk of the Town in January, the team at the box is inviting contributions for a new quarter of operatic potpourri.
Following the successful launch of the new regular feature The Talk of the Town in January, the team at the box is inviting contributions for a new quarter of operatic potpourri.
Wanna write for us? We’re accepting pitches.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.