At the parterre box Calendar, nature is refurbishing herself. Spring varieties abound with the usual Met fare and all manner of recitals and rarities. We’ve got our eyes on these from our friends and sponsors.
For your perusal and social planning, cher public, parterre’s 2013-2014 New York Opera Calendar is now online and current through the end of the season.
Different people look at things from different points of view: a fact so familiar it’s the refrain of one of the songs from the beloved music musical Lost Horizon. So La Cieca will have no quarrels if you don’t agree with her choices of must-see programming for the upcoming week.
The month of operatic novelties continues as La Cieca indicates points of interest during the week beginning November 12.
This may seem a bit of a stretch, cher public, but stay with me. La Cieca introduces a new feature on parterre, named after not Lois Lane (pictured) but rather Lois Kirschenbaum, legendary Gotham opera fan. This Lois is widely regarded as a bellwether of noteworthy performances; or, to put it another way, if Lois…
La Cieca is proud to unveil what she hopes will become your second-favorite calendar: The New York Opera Calendar at Parterre. This handy resource includes an exhaustive list of opera and opera-related performances for the 2010-2011 season, the better to plan your busy social life. Opera companies and members of the cher public who have…