la cieca ci guarda
The list of Anna Netrebko/Yannick Nézet-Séguin collaborations has expanded once again.
In addition to her first Met Aida performances next season, forthcoming projects for the one and only Anna Netrebko just keep gushing out.
A spokesman for Anna Netrebko informs parterre box that the diva is scheduled to sing Aïda at the Met during the 2018-2019 season.
La Cieca hears that the dress rehearsal of Nabucco at the Met earlier today came to a halt when the statue of Baal burst into flames.
La Cieca hears that Stefan Herheim’s Met Meistersinger (scheduled for 2019-2020) may not be his New York debut after all.
La Cieca called it, mostly: Yannick Nézet-Séguin will the the Met’s new music director, taking on full official duties in the 2020-2021 season.
La Cieca has the whole thing for you to listen to, cher public, as recorded Sunday afternoon.
Cher public, you knew La Cieca would come through for you, didn’t you? So hurry past the jump and give a listen.
Here’s an extended clip of what the recent concert tour by Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov sounded like.
La Cieca will go out on limb and predict that the Met’s new music director will be Yannick Nezet-Seguin.
La Cieca hears that Joseph Calleja will sing Pollione opposite the Norma of Anna Netrebko at the Met for opening night 2017.
La Cieca hears that Peter Gelb and representatives of the Met’s various unions (not pictured) have begun preliminary plans for adding regular Sunday performances to the company’s schedule.
La Cieca hears that the Metropolitan Opera will perform “La Marseillaise” before this afternoon’s performance of Tosca.
In this new work, entitled Can Belto, a group of terrorists kidnap and hold hostage Broadway diva Idina Menzel.
Gotham Chamber Opera is ceasing operations and will be closing.
Anna Netrebko adds yet another veristic aria to her burgeoning repertoire: “L’altra notte in fondo al mare” from Boito’s Mefistofele.
La Cieca hears that Anna Netrebko‘s forthcoming Verismo CD will include the complete Act Four of Manon Lescaut.
Madeline Kahn‘s 1968 interpretation of “Glitter and Be Gay” has been widely disseminated.
Your doyenne peers into the future, or, to be more accurate, into the Future Met Wiki, to reveal the latest rumors on casting and repertoire.
Long rumored, here it is: Anna Netrebko sings “Suicidio!” from La Gioconda!
La Cieca hears that the Théâtre du Châtelet will continue its series of Stephen Sondheim productions with Passion, set to star Natalie Dessay (as Fosca, bien sûr!)
You figured it out a fortnight ago, cher public.