Our own dear publisher JJ informs La Cieca that he will be interviewed tomorrow afternoon during CBC’s “Saturday Afternoon at the Opera” by host Bill Richardson. In this, his first international radio interview, JJ is expected to field hard-hitting questions on such topics as “The Busch Doctrine,” and he warns us in advance that his answer is likely  to be, “Charles: yes, absolutely! Fritz: ehh, not so much.”

Anyway, as La Cieca understands it, the show is streamed online several times during the afternoon, beginning at 1:00 PM in each local time zone. Since the opera tomorrow is Blitzstein’s Regina, you may hear a few hysterical cries of “Ah hope you die! Ah’ll be waitin’ foah you to die!” even before JJ comes on. You can launch a player for the CBC, and La Cieca is confident that the show will confirm your already strongly-held opinion about the controversial gay opera blog mogul.

UPDATE: La Cieca has been informed that JJ will appear “in the last half-hour” of the program, which is of course the traditional spot for a vaudeville headliner. Now, this is where it gets a little more complex. The CBC player will play the JJ portion of the show beginning about 4:25 PM (16:25) in each local timezone. So, in other words, the “Atlantic” feed player will start the interview at 4:25 PM EDT (3:25 CDT, etc.). Then the “Central” feed player will get to the interview at approximately 4:25 CDT, which is the same time as 5:25 EDT. An hour later, 4:25 Mountain Daylight Time, JJ will be at it again, this time on the “Mountain” player, and yet again an hour later on the “Pacific” player.
