Conductor Franz Welser-Moest (not pictured) has backed out of two performances of Die Fledermaus at the Zurich Opera, complaining that he was “unhappy” with the staging by Michael Sturminger. One innovation in this production is the inclusion of several vampires among Orlovsky’s retinue, which of course means that good old Frosch has lots of funny business with crosses and garlic and stuff. Other than this bit of whimsy, the show seems not to be up to much: according to the Wiener Zeitung, “Charme, Erotik und das Doppelbödige sind der Königin der Operetten restlos ausgetrieben.”

The performances Welser-Moest has canceled, May 17 and June 20, are scheduled to be videotaped for future DVD release with Ralf Weikert filling in as conductor. Welser-Moest will become music director of the Vienna State Opera beginning in the 2010-11 season. [via International Herald Tribune]
