Admittedly, this item is ancient history, but here goes. Which curious, sexed-up Met hunks invaded a star dressing room and immediately got their original instruments a whole lot closer than an octave apart?
Don’t come knocking!
La Cieca
on October 08, 2007 at 1:08 PM
Wanna write for us? We’re accepting pitches.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
Pick a little, talk a little
Following the successful launch of the new regular feature The Talk of the Town in January, the team at the box is inviting contributions for a new quarter of operatic potpourri.
Following the successful launch of the new regular feature The Talk of the Town in January, the team at the box is inviting contributions for a new quarter of operatic potpourri.