La Cieca is singing the praises of her namesake la la, a website that coordinates the trading of previously owned CDs. This is how it works: you list your unwanted CDs on the site, then you select from the 1.8 million titles other members are willing to trade. Every time you choose a disc to be sent, you pay a dollar plus 49 cents postage; every time someone asks for one of your discs, you just drop it in a prepaid mailer. And from that dollar you send to la la, 20 cents will go to the not-for-profit “Z” Foundation, whose mission is to help provide health and dental care for working musicians. Now, the question you’re no doubt asking is, will I find anything on la la that I want to add to my collection? Well, a quick search for Wagner’s Ring yields over 600 ready-to-trade matches, including such goodies as the 1956 Hans Knappertsbusch Bayreuth version on Melodram. Give la la a try, then let La Cieca know how it works for you. And start dreaming about how you’ll use all that shelf space you’ve cleared out!
