La Cieca’s faithful spy L’incredibile reports from the Met’s Samson prova that Clifton Forbis is “the most committed artist in this role since Jon Vickers,” up to and including singing the Act 1 B-flat full out over the chorus. (“Quite a contrast to Jose Cura‘s attitude.”) It doesn’t hurt, L’inc adds, that Forbis boasts “Popeye forearms” and “acts the role as Peter Grimes-crazy from the get-go.” The juxtaposition of Marina Domashenko‘s “too far back” vocalism with Jean-Philippe Lafont‘s “too far forward” voice results in our informant’s “overwhelming desire to turn up the volume knob on the mezzo.” Maestro Emmanuel Villaume, L’incredibile sighs, is “a flailer.” Samson et Dalila opens this Friday, and it certainly sounds worth the trip to the Met.
