“I currently await, with trepidation, something set in the lavatories of a gay night club,”.”
The visionary Rupert Christiansen peers into the mists of the not-yet and apprehends the perfection of the Wagnerian Gesamtkunstwerk.
“This is wrong, wrong, wrong and a betrayal of the spirit of ENO’s Founding Fathers.”
“That pathetic old woman is also a great and noble queen.”
“Jonathan Miller‘s Carmen for Mid Wales Opera has no sexual electricity, complains Rupert Christiansen“
“Quaint camp, says Rupert Christiansen.”
Cher public, you know that Rupert Christiansen is not someone with whom your doyenne often agrees, but this time he’s got it right.
peaking of vicious-minded small town gossips, Rupert Christiansen (not pictured) is at his exercise again this morning, trying to tempt Dame Felicity Palmer into saying unpleasant things about David Alden and Richard Jones.
The veteran British critic click-whored…
Anyone looking for orgiastic obscenity in Calixto Bieito‘s production of Carmen at the London Coliseum, will be bitterly disappointed, writes Rupert Christiansen.
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