Call for submissions: parterre box‘s new Talk of the Town
parterre box is launching a new themed regular feature curated by our readers and opera fans across the world! We are asking for your favorite clips, recordings, and anecdotes to get people chatting, listening, and thinking.
parterre box is launching a new themed regular feature curated by our readers and opera fans across the world! We are asking for your favorite clips, recordings, and anecdotes to get people chatting, listening, and thinking.
La Cieca and DeCaffarrelli unanimously hail Trubadur as winner of the “Ladies in the Dark” vocal ID competition.
The front runner in our devilishly difficult “D’amor sull’ali” quiz is Giasone (pictured), with 22 of 30 singers correctly identified.
And now, cher public, the vocal identification quiz in excelsis, Leonora’s great Act IV scena from Il trovatore, as sung by 25 sopranos (and five tenors).
Well done, you listeners to Mozart tidbits and participants in the “Non mi dir” competition.
Now the deadline has passed for the Immolation Quiz, La Cieca is happy if a bit puzzled to announce that the result is a tie: two of the cher public were able to identify 23 of the 25 voices in the quiz correctly.
The Immolation Quiz now stands tied between two competitors, each of whom has identified correctly 20 of the 25 singers represented.
The music is “Brünnhilde’s Immolation Scene” and it is up to you (and I do mean you) to identify the 25 singers involved.
La Cieca has heard the rumblings (from you, the cher public) that we have not had a singer identification quiz in all too long a while.
Here’s a chance for you to win two tickets to hear the winners of this year’s Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions in the intimate ambiance of WQXR’s Greene Space.
Leave it to a cat to transform a Wagner festival into the Jellicle Ball.
La Cieca it would be both fun and appropriate to get an early start celebrating one of this year’s two major 200th birthdays, that of Richard Wagner, and what better way to kick up our heels than with a parterre competition?
That’s the kind of casting abilities you’ve got, cher public, two of you in particular, who are the winners of the Manchurian Candidate competition.
La Cieca (not pictured) tips her hat (pictured) to the participants in our second “Regie to the Rescue” competition.
And in this dream, WQXR’s Operavore was hosting an exclusive season preview for the Met at the charming downtown Greene Space.
It’s taken more than a month for La Cieca to return to the Regie to the Rescue competition thanks in part to the generous wordage of the cher public.
Here’s a quiz compiled by Our Own DeCaffarrelli to help fill out the tedious month before the season opens, cher public.
Scoring the Fire and Music contest was tricky, cher public, as the selections were both quite brief and relatively obscure.
Well, that was one race that was won at a walk.
“The Greek drama affords us one character which, had Shakespeare studied it in the three great tragedians of that people, and then, preserving Greek manners as ably as he did Roman, written it from his own heart and mind, might have been worthy to succeed the greatest achievement of the stage.”
La Cieca is sure that many, if not all, of the cher public are literally salivating at the prospect of seeing an actual performance of Chabrier’s Le Roi Malgré Lui as it will be presented in its US stage premiere at Bard SummerScape beginning July 27.
It’s time yet once again for a listening quiz, cher public, courtesy of Our Own armerjaquino.
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parterre box, “the most essential blog in opera” (New York Times), is now booking display and sponsored content advertising for the 2023-2024 season. Join Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Warner Classics and many others in reaching your target audience through parterre box.
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