Birthday anniversaries of composers Luca Antonio Predieri (1688), Arnold Schoenberg (1874), and Robert Ward (1917), conductor and composer Roger Désormière (1898), bass Nicolai Ghiaurov (1929), tenor Werner Hollweg (1936), and soprano Tamara Milashkina (1934)
Stelle! Dei! Nume d’amore!
Born on this day in 1939 soprano Arleen Augér
on September 13, 2024 at 6:00 AM
Topics: on this day
Wanna write for us? We’re accepting pitches.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
Parterre Box welcomes pitches from all interested writers—even those not endowed quite as pictured.
Pick a little, talk a little
Following the successful launch of the new regular feature The Talk of the Town in January, the team at the box is inviting contributions for a new quarter of operatic potpourri.
Following the successful launch of the new regular feature The Talk of the Town in January, the team at the box is inviting contributions for a new quarter of operatic potpourri.