You may recall a couple of weeks ago La Cieca spoke to Giuseppe Filianoti about the “lost” aria from Cilea’s L’arlesiana he had reconstructed to include in a concert performance of the opera. Well, now you can hear what the piece sounds like in context, thanks to our old friend YouTube.

L’Arlesiana (Francesco Cilea) Act 3
Duet Vivetta/Federico, including aria for Federico from world premiere in 1897 reinserted for concert performances and recording in Freiburg, July, 2012.

Federico – Giuseppe Filianoti, Vivetta – Mirela Buonaica

Non lo negar, non sei felice?

Sono felice, sì! Temi pel tuo malato?
Ti rassicura: egli è guarito.

Di quella malattia
Questa memoria solo rimase in me.

Una mattina
m’apriron nella stanza una finestra!
Oh! La buon’aria che venìa dal Rodano
piena d’effluvi a carezzarmi il viso,
quella mattina! Il ciel parea più limpido
e più frondosi gli alberi. Vibravan
nell’aer terso armoniosi canti
d’un’ignota dolcezza. Rinnovellato
il sangue mi scorreva in ogni vena.
Avea il core sussulti, un’insolita ebbrezza
mi prendeva, m’aveva alfine raggiunto
una maliosa carezza;
ero alfine guarito!

Don’t deny it! You’re happy, aren’t you!

Yes, I am happy. Are you afraid for your patient?
I reassure you: he’s cured.

One morning
they opened a window in my room!
Oh! The good air from the Rhône
sweet scented that came to caress my face,
that morning! The sky seemed clearer
and the trees leafier. In the pure air
harmonious songs vibrate
of unknown sweetness. Renewed
my blood flowed through every vein.
My heart quivered, a strange elation
took hold of me, an enchanting caress
had finally reached me;
at last I was cured!
