
Goodness knows, and La Cieca does too, that not everyone can achieve the precision of intonation of our dear Dame Nellie Melba, as I’m sure dear Dame Nellie would be the first to remind us.  But even without perfect tuning or even because of perfect tuning, certain singers achieve a more viscerally thrilling effect than did the Australian Nightingale.  

(La Cieca is not sure why she’s using dear Dame Nellie as a bad example here, but she does hope that you realize we all love her, Dame Nellie I mean, and we could go on and on about her intonation, but I’m trying to turn this in another direction if I can ever get out of this parenthesis.) Whew, better.

So, as today’s exercise, La Cieca suggests you nominate your favorite examples of singers whose out-of-tune vocalism you not only tolerate but positively cherish. Your doyenne is going to swoop in with the easy answer here, but you, cher public, are encouraged to offer your choice of YouTube clips to illustrate your own favorite pitchy peaches.
