Now, you really didn’t think La Cieca would let the occasion of Maria Guleghina‘s first Met Norma go unmarked, did you? Oh, please, don’t be ridic, cher public! Surely the ascent of la Guleghina to the summit of bel canto is an experience that must be enjoyed communally. And since La Cieca has no intention of actually being in the theater for this event, she wants to invite you, you and most particulary you to join her for another edition of La Cieca’s Opera Chat. The chat room “La Foresta d’Irminsul” will open at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, November 26 for the 7:30 curtain of Norma as broadcast on Sirius. Please check back on on Monday for a link to “La Foresta d’Irminsul.”
