So, this is what La Cieca read on the website of the Italian newspaper Il Mattino:

Roberto Alagna . . . sta male a causa di crisi ipoglicemiche e non potrà cantare per almeno tre mesi . . . . A dare la notizia lo stesso cantante accompagnato dalla moglie, il soprano Angela Gheorghiu, che ha annullato i suoi appuntamenti in giro per il mondo per i prossimi mesi pur di stargli vicino.

Now, La Cieca is not the world’s strongest Italian reader, but this certainly seems to say that la Gheorghiu “has canceled her international engagements for the coming months in order to be near him.” Which, in turn, makes La Cieca wonder: is La traviata in New York an “international engagement?” (La Cieca will also add that this is the first time she’s ever heard of a singer canceling because of hypoglycemia. Can’t he drink a glass of orange juice or something?)

UPDATE: January 14 . . . A veteran diva close to Gheorghiu says this morning, “Angela will sing the Traviatas.”
