For all those Mad Scene lovers out there, here is a video of some great Mad Scenes in opera.
I put together a video just for a bit of fun today, looking at the standard “warhorse” operas that opera companies tend to throw at us year after year, and offering some alternative operas that could be offered in their place.
Hey, folks! I wanted to put together a compilation of arias from a unique part of opera history, French grand opera. Today, from that genre, we’re going to hear great tenor arias.
To celebrate reaching over 14,000 subscribers with over 18 million video views, I put together a compilation of my top 25 video postings from the past six years.
On the occasion of Sondra Radvanovsky‘s role debut in Roberto Devereux, I thought this would ba a good opportunity to put put together a compilation of some of my favorite artists singing the fiendishly difficult final scene of this opera.
Here’s a playlist of bel canto favorite suitable for motivating even the most couch potatoesque of parterrians to put in a hard session of weight training.
With the Met season soon to finish, I am sure many will want to unwind with a little after party/masked ball.
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