Timothy Norris/LA Philharmonic

These performances feature (in alphabetical order): Anna Caterina Antonacci, Martina Arroyo, Arleen Auger, Diana Damrau, Sabine Devieilhe, Jodie Devos, Elsa Dreisig, Barbara Frittoli, Elina Garanca, Barbara Hannigan, Edda Moser, Jessye Norman, Margaret Price, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, and Albina Shagimuratova.

This trio are among the most performed of the many concert arias, although even these turn up rarely on orchestral programs. Vorrei spiegarvi demands a securely floating high legato line, where Bella mia fiamma is a full-scale dramatic scena that wouldn’t be out of place in one of the composer’s great da Ponte operas. Ch’io scordi di te is a ravishing duet between soprano and piano.

Given the wide chronological range of these broadcasts, their sound quality varies greatly among each group of five. Arroyo’s is unique in that it’s accompanied only by piano rather than by orchestra.

Before the month ends, Chris’s Cache will return with more concert arias, a more wide-ranging collection that will include pieces also for mezzo, tenor and bass, in addition to more soprano gems.


Mozart: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio!, K. 418

  1. Jodie Devos–2018
  2. Margaret Price–1970
  3. Diana Damrau–2016
  4. Albina Shagimuratova–2012
  5. Sabine Devieilhe—2014

Mozart: Ch’io mi scordi di te, K. 505

  1. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf & Louis Lane–1957
  2. Arleen Auger & ?–?
  3. Anna Caterina Antonacci & ?–2005
  4. Jessye Norman & Alfred Brendel–1981
  5. Elina Garanca & ?–?

Mozart: Bella mia fiamma, K. 528

  1. Edda Moser—1974
  2. Martina Arroyo–1962
  3. Barbara Hannigan–2015
  4. Elsa Dreisig—2022
  5. Barbara Frittoli—2009

Each aria quintet can be downloaded by clicking on the icon of a cloud with an arrow pointing downward on the audio player above and the resulting mp3 file will appear in your download directory.

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