In celebration of the impending retirement of San Francisco Opera’s head honcho David Gockley, La Cieca proposes a late summer competition, with a first prize of not having dinner with San Francisco Opera’s head honcho David Gockley.  

Your mission, cher public, is as follows: in the comments section below, you are to devise a menu for a dinner party at which San Francisco Opera’s head honcho David Gockley is the guest of honor. In keeping with his expressed preferences, you are further to create a musical program consisting of selections from “contemporary” operas to be played during dinner, with “contemporary” defined as “having had its world premiere during the lifetime of San Francisco Opera’s head honcho David Gockley,” i.e., since July 13, 1943.

Points will be awarded for the ironic or satirical correlation between dinner courses and their corresponding musical extracts. In other words, we’re looking for comedy, people.

Whoever devised the most mordant menu will win the prize of a coveted Amazon Gift Card in the amount of $75.00. The competition will end on Monday, September 7, 2015 at midnight.

All decisions will be made by La Cieca, which I don’t think I need to tell you implies finality.
