Here’s the thing about puns, Betsy: summer going to enjoy them and summer not.
The breakdown:

Les Pecheurs du Perle Mesta (11:00-2:00 LRT KLASIKA). The Hostess with the Mostest goes muff-diving. Nicole Cabell and Gerald Finley. 3 F.K.

The Leg End of St. Elizabeth (11:19-2:00 CESKY ROZHLAS). Lizzie shoulda read that Shark Alert sign. No data to rate.

Karolinas Sominex (12:00-1:15 SVERIGES P2) That Kennedy girl seems to have a barbiturate problem. No data to rate.

A rectal by Christiane Karg (12:00-2:00 BR KLASIK). The Kargs would like you to meet their daughter, the proctologist. No data to rate

Cozy, Fan Tittie (1:00-4:30 WFMT affiliates) Cozy, waft that palm frond a little lower. Kurzak, maybe Pirgu, good. The others so-so. 3 F.K.

Mayfair Lady (1:00-4:30 BBC 3) The Duchess of Argyll is slumming again. No data to rate.

Peer Ammo, eh, Tisbe? (1:00-4:00 DEUTSCHLANDRADIO KULTUR): The Duke’s right behind her, and he’s packin’.

Your dice, Orfeo Ed (1:00-4:00 CBC TWO) Damn! Snake eyes. Zazzo and Bayrakhdarian make this one hard to beat 2 F.K.

La donna e mobile lago. (1:00-6:00 LYRIC FM) It’s that new regie Rigoletto, staged underwater. Florez, Di Donato. Cherce! Very cherce! 2 F.K.

Music from the Polish Broke (1:00-3:00 DWOJKA POLSKIE) No data to rate. They’re going on right after the London Homeless.

No jeans is you jeans (1:00-5:00 KBYU). 3 F.K. I bought these pants off a street cart in Brighton Beach.

Wart hair (1:00-4:00 NPR) 2 F.K. Phillip Addis and Michele Lozier are seeing a dermatologist.

King for a Day, but a real Queen at Night (1:00-5:00 RADIO CLASICA DE ESPANA) 2 F.K. About as good a recording as this is likely to get.

Rig O’Letto. (1:00-5:00 RTP ANTENA 2) 3 F.K. Rig’s only half Irish. Nucci, Ciofi, and Run-for-the-Hills Grigolo.

“In dreschen jahr a glimpse of stocking . . .” (1:00-5:00 WRR) 2 F.K. because it’s already on disc and we can’t do anything about it.

Kharmen (1:00-5:00 DR P2) 3 F.K. Uria-Monzon, Secco. Her past was bound to catch up with her sooner or later.

“So Romey owed what Julie et . Burma-Shave.” (1:00-4:15 WCLV) The road-sign’s a classic, the performance not so much. Machaidze and Grigolo make this a 4 F.K.

Do not Cast your Pollux before swine or you’ll end up with well-chewed pollocks. (1:30-4:00 BARTOK RADIO.) No data to rate.

Le’s count our hoffmanns and see if we got enough for a ticket to Toledo. (1:30-4:30 RADIO OESTERREICH) No data to rate, except that there might be some interest in the fact that Artur Shack-n Cruise is subbing for Rolando Villazon.

Yves-a. (2:00-5:00 CESKY ROZHLAS VLTAVA) 1 F.K. The story of Saint-Laurent’s sex change.

Ellie’s sort of a moron. (2:00-5:00 HR2 KULTUR) 3 F.K. Persson and Villazon spell train-wreck to me.

“You has a big tear dere.” “Tear? Vere?” “Vere tear? Dere!” (2:00-6:00 KLARA) Heinrich wondered why his heinie was so drafty. 3 F.K. Villazon and Koch.

Lee dripped mustard on his best verbot. (2:00-4:30 RADIO STEPHANSDOM). 2 F.K. Hell, it was recorded back in 1963; it HAS to be great!

Rinaldo quaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind. (2:00-5:00 SVERIGES RADIO P2) 3 F.K. Okay, people fleeing Vittorio Grigolo, please use Aisle 2. People fleeing Sonia Prina, please use Aisle 4.

The Furs of Destiny. (2:55-6:00 LATVIA RADIO KLASIKA) The PETA people are at the door, Destiny! 3 F.K. Urmana? Alarez? You’re really into this masochism thing, aren’t you.

Are the Serses on the 8th floor or the 9th? (3:00-6:00 RADIO TRE) No data to rate.

La Casa della Cieca never closes.
