In her never-ceasing quest for greater convenience and maximum gadget-intensivity, La Cieca has updated the user interface for her podcasts. Now she can insert one podcast directly into the homepage like so . . .

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All you need do is click on the “play” button and crank up your speakers. (This is the most recent podcast, by the way, the third act of Mercadante’s Il Bravo, which includes a few bits of news plus a return of the wildly popular quiz “The Enigmas of La Cieca.”) The most recent dozen or so podcasts can be accessed, as always, from the Unnatural Acts of Opera page. And do note that the Unnatural Acts of Opera Archive contains the whole first year of La Cieca’s little shows.

Another new shiny object is the updated player on the Podderdammerung page — now you can listen to the entirety of Der Ring des Nibelungen from a single page here on Podderdammerung.

Another exciting new feature, coming very soon, is discussed in the current podcast.
