“Oh to be young and going to Paris for the first time,” exclaimed an elderly gentleman who donned his best sweatervest for a concert at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival this past August.
Starting in less than half an hour, “Le Concert de Paris.”
La Cieca spies spotted the New York Times‘ Anthony Tommasini at the opening of the Salzburg Meistersinger, which indicates his review should be appearing by tomorrow at the latest.
Wagner’s Meistersinger, in a witty, sumptuous performance (thanks to Stefan Herheim and Daniele Gatti, respectively) is now being streamed on 3sat.online, available, so far as La Cieca can tell, wherever the internet reaches.
Like the hero of Parsifal, who finds the Holy Grail after a lifetime of frustrated wandering, the Met’s audience was finally rewarded for its patience.
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