On this day in 1609, Henry Hudson discovered Manhattan Island and the indigenous people living there.

Born on this day in 1524 poet Pierre de Ronsard

Born on this day in 1711 composer William Boyce

Born on this day in 1764 composer Valentino Fioravanti

Born on this day in 1786 composer Friedrich Kuhlau

Born on this day in 1807 composer Ignaz Lachner

Born on this day in 1885 writer D H Lawrence

Born on this day in 1911 baritone Tiyt Kuusik

Born on this day in 1912 tenor Gösta Björling

Born on this day in 1925 composer Harry Somers

Happy 89th birthday lyricist Alan Bergman

Happy 84th birthday bass Clfford Grant

Happy 79th birthday composer Avro Part
