kaufmannUPDATE: La Cieca has just received an email from Bruce Zemsky and Alan Green, managers of Jonas Kaufmann, stating “Mr. Kaufmann has not cancelled any of his future engagements for this year and next year and is in excellent health. The Nacion is not well informed as Mr. Kaufmann just appeared in a solo all Puccini concert in Prague on March 16… and appeared on March 21 as soloist with the Berlin Staatskapel with Daniel Barenboim. Mr. Kaufmann is looking forward to his engagements for April and all his other future engagements.” 

EARLIER: The Nacion article stated that Jonas Kaufmann will withdraw from his singing engagements for this year and the next. (“Ya se hizo público que Jonas Kaufmann… haría su retiro del canto por lo que resta de este año y el próximo.”)
